The History of the Heart of Wisconsin Chamber of Commerce

The Heart of Wisconsin Chamber of Commerce was founded as the Wisconsin Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce in 1948 as a 501c(6) non-profit organization with the goal of “making Wisconsin Rapids strong and worthy.”
The Wisconsin Rapids Area Business Incubator (now known as the Heart of Wisconsin Community Incubator) began in 1988 as a 501c(3) non-profit organization. Its mission is “To aid in the economic development, education & training, and creation of employment opportunities in the area."
In 2001, the economic development organizations in the Heart of Wisconsin area (South Wood County and Town of Rome) reorganized under one administrative umbrella – the Heart of Wisconsin Business & Economic Alliance. Incorporated under the Alliance umbrella was the Wisconsin Rapids Area Business Incubator (Heart of Wisconsin Community Incubator) and the South Wood County Economic Development Corporation, established in 1964. The previous River Cities Development Corporation (established 1994) and the previous Wisconsin Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce (established 1948) were both rolled into the Heart of Wisconsin Business & Economic Alliance. The name of the organization was changed to the Heart of Wisconsin Chamber of Commerce in 2010.
Contact the Heart of Wisconsin Chamber of Commerce for more information:
Phone: 715.423.1830
Fax: 715.423.1865